white Marble tour at Carrara

White Tour:Marble by car

If you want to spend a different morning you have to book a tour by car to discover the most famous marble in the world.
Paese di colonnata
We are moving from your location to the Apuan Alps, we are visiting one of the most ancient marble quarries still being worked and then we are going to Colonnata for a ancient quarryman breakfast.

lardo di colonnata
From the village we are moving by car across extraordinary views arriving to the basin of Fantiscritti where you can enjoy a tour into a quarry carved deep into the mountain.
ferrovia marmifera ponti di vara Cave di mamro di Carrara
And, after that, to the mountain that gave the white marble to Michelangelo and… drive back to your hotel.

PRICE: 180 € (2 people) + 35 for each tourist that will join us in the tour. The tour is all inclusive.

Info and reservation call Marco 3385783629
About us How to arrive Accomodation Story of marble link
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